This is my page where you can learn about Gargoyles, the best TV show ever.
So, so bad.
Goliath is the leader of the Gargoyles. He's really strong but more important is his bravery and compassion!
Eliza is a police officer who helps the gargoyles. She has a gun but only uses it responsibly! This is important.
Xanatos is the one who brought the gargoyles back to life in the future. He's my favourite character! He's very clever and cunning.
There are many more great characters in Gargoyles! If you read Shakespeare then you might be in for a surprise!
The only bad thing about Gargoyles is it has the same music in every episode and sometimes the fights go on for ages.
Also in season two there's this part on a boat that goes on for ages and ages. It's pretty annoying but you have to stick with it because the best is yet to come! (season finale!)
You can get Gargoyles on DVD but some of it was never released so you just have to get it some other way (wink)
Some people think Batman was the best cartoon ever. Batman is pretty good (especially the creepy episodes like when Poison Ivy was growing clones) but Gargoyles is number 1 OK!
If you want to know more, after you watch each episode check out the creator Greg's notes on it here.